District Guidelines
Establishing A New Account
We have created this form and QR code for new account setup , allowing you to provide all necessary information conveniently without needing to visit our office, if your payment is mailed in ahead of time. To set up a new resident account, please complete the form, and allow us two business days to review and respond via email regarding the deposit amount. Kindly make sure to attach a clear copy of a valid photo ID along with all necessary documentation in the form.
A deposit of $100.00 – $260.00 is required to establish residential services. Please contact the office to confirm the correct deposit amount. For commercial services, please contact the office to discuss requirements.
If you require our services urgently, we encourage you to fill out the form and bring your payment directly to our office.
Hours for new service are Monday through Friday, 8 AM – 4:15 PM. If the new account is established before 3:00 PM, services will be turned on the same day. Otherwise, services will be turned on the following business day.
Service Guidelines
- Water service starts the day of closing or the day the lease is signed.
- The bill includes Water, Sewer, Garbage, Police and Fire. *
- The minimum residential water bill will be for (0-6,000) gallons of usage at $102.31 per month.
- Meters are read on the 14th of the month. Bills are mailed at the end of the month.
- A one-time Transfer Fee of $15.00 will be included on the first bill.
- Payment is due upon receipt. The bill becomes PAST DUE after 5:00 PM on the 25th of the month.
- When we process a check for payment, you authorize us to either use the information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use information from your check to make an electronic funds transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution.
- Any payment not received by 5:00 PM on the 25th of the month will be charged a late fee – WITHOUT exception.
- All monthly ACH’s and recurring credit card payments will be drafted between the 18th to the 20th of the month to allow time for processing.
Any changes to accounts, including ACH or recurring credit card must be submitted in writing to the District before the 15th of the month to ensure timely processing of request. - ACH’s/Returned Checks are charged a $30.00 returned item fee.
- As of May 2008, any customer who writes two (2) NSF checks to the District will no longer be eligible to pay their account by check for the duration of their business with the District. Returned Recurring Bank Drafts are treated as an NSF.
- All chargebacks on Credit/Debit card payments will be charged a $20.00 fee.
- Deposits are to remain on file for duration of account. Upon termination of service, the District shall apply the deposit on hand to the unpaid service charges of the Consumer, and the excess, if any, will be paid to the Consumer.
- The District may utilize deposit funds to pay for excess trash pickup upon disconnecting the account.
- Past Due letters are mailed ten (10) days prior to cut off.
- Red door hangers are placed on customer’s front doors two (2) days prior to cut off and a $10 door hanger fee will be applied to the account.
- Any account 60 days in arrears (e.g. 90 + days of water usage) will be cut off for non-payment.
- Once an account is disconnected, the entire balance plus all applicable fees must be paid BEFORE service will be restored.
- Disconnected service fees include a $10.00 door hanger fee, a $50.00 delinquent fee and an additional $50.00 deposit.
- Service restored after 3:00 PM will have a $50.00 after hours fee.
- Should a lock-out become necessary, there will be a $50.00 lock fee added to the disconnect charges.
- Should a meter need to be removed, there will be a $150.00 fee added to the disconnect charges.
- ALL fees must be paid along with all disconnect charges BEFORE services will be restored.
- Any returned check or disconnected service will be payable by CASH, MONEY ORDER OR CASHIER’S CHECK in person or by DEBIT OR CREDIT CARDS by telephone ONLY. NO personal checks will be accepted.
- ALL after-hours payments must be MONEY ORDER only.
- All Credit/Debit card transactions are accepted and will be assessed a minimum of $2.25 service fee for balances up to $90.00 or a 2.5% service fee for balances over $90.01 by the card processor. The District does not share any portion of these fees.
- Payment privileges by credit/debit card will be forfeited permanently upon notification to the district that the bank has reversed payment due to the district which result from the cardholder having charges reversed without cardholder notifying CBC MUD and/or documentation to support claim.
- When a customer requests that their name be changed on an account, the customer must present a photo ID for verification purposes along with legal documentation, e.g. marriage license, divorce decree, etc., supporting the request.
The District will not discuss any information regarding individual accounts with anyone except the account holder.
Criminal Penalties For Violation of District Rules
a) Any person, corporation, or other entity who violates any of the rules for use or service established by this Order shall be subject to criminal penalties on the same basis as for violation of a penal ordinance of a city that governs public health and sanitation pursuant to section 54.001, Texas Government Code, which penalties may not exceed $2,000, and which are not exclusive of any civil remedies or other criminal remedies available to the District with respect to the acts constituting such violation. Each day of a violation shall constitute a separate violation hereunder.
b) Penalties shall be imposed by the General Manager, subject to the following notice and hearing procedures:
When any penalty is imposed pursuant to this Section, a notice shall be delivered to the Consumer advising the Consumer of imposition of the penalty pursuant to this Section.
Delivery of the notice shall be considered complete upon hanging a notice of imposition of the penalty on the Consumer’s door where the violation has occurred.
The notice shall include:
- a statement that the penalty will be imposed;
- the rule violation giving rise to imposition of the penalty; and
- a statement that in the event the Consumer desires to object to imposition of the penalty, then the Consumer must notify the General Manager of such objection; and the notice shall contain the name, mailing address and telephone number of the General Manager.
Hearing before General Manager:
If a Consumer objects to imposition of the penalty to the General Manager, the penalty shall be held in abeyance until further order of the General Manager.
The Consumer shall be given notice, at least 72 hours in advance, of the time, date, and place of the hearing at which the General Manager will consider the Consumer objections.
At such meeting, the General Manager shall consider all matters set forth by the Consumer and take such action, including dismissal of the penalty, adjustment of the penalty amount, waiver of penalties, or provision for installment payments of penalties, as it deems advisable, or may at the General Manager’s discretion and in lieu of such action present the objections to the Board. In lieu of the meeting, the Consumer may submit its objections in writing to the General Manger prior to the time of the scheduled hearing.
At any Director’s request received before notice of the meeting with the General Manager, or with the Consumer’s consent if such notice has been given, the entire Board may hear the objections and take such action with respect to the matter as it deems advisable. Procedures for the meeting with the Board will be the same as for the meeting with the General Manager.
Close Your Account
To close your account, please complete the form below. Ensure that you include a clear copy of a valid photo ID within the form.
Should you be relocating to a location inside the district, you will have to establish a separate new account. The new account regulations will apply to the new location even though there has been a previously established account. Once an account is closed, all payments must be submitted by cash, check, money order, or credit card via telephone. NO ONLINE PAYMENTS ACCEPTED.
We’re Here to Help
Clear Brook City Municipal Utility District
11911 Blackhawk Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77089
(281) 484-1562